Hat- Coming soon to Geek USA
Dress- Coming soon to Geek USA
Jacket/Crop Top Thingy- Vintage
Ear Cuff- Tunnel Vision
Jewelry- Thrifted, rummage sales, flea market, ect.
Boots- Vintage
Idk why I look so grumpy in these pictures, life is really good right now, I think I was just hot and wanting to go inside and drink my ice cold root-beer! I finally got the new etsy store up and running, I have tons more things to add, but at least I finally started working on it! My amazing friend Zhee has been modeling for me, I'll post some things from the store on here once I get a few more things up, but if you want to check out what's up so far here is the link to my little project Geek USA .
Hope everyone is having a great weekend make sure to try to do something you love with people you love today!!! Hopefully this healthfulness will last and I can keep posting and working on the store more often!
Love and Peace
Ahh, I love that dress! btw the link to your etsy store doesn't work :(